''Kirby: Right Back at Ya!'', known in Japan as , is a Japanese anime series created by Warpstar, Inc. and based on Nintendo's ''Kirby'' franchise. The series ran for one hundred episodes from October 6, 2001 to September 27, 2003. The series aired on Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting in Japan and in North America on 4Kids TV; 4Kids Entertainment heavily edited the content in the process. The anime follows Kirby, a pink, spherical, childlike creature who does not speak in coherent words but possesses the ability to take on new magical powers by temporarily sucking up their owners. Kirby arrives on a planet called Pop Star, near the village of Cappy Town, when his spaceship crashes there. He quickly befriends two yellow-skinned children named Tiff and Tuff and their servants Fololo and Falala. Over the course of the series, Kirby and his friends evade King Dedede and his assistant Escargoon, who try to get rid of Kirby. The series aired extensively on 4Kids TV as well as being picked up in numerous other languages across the world. Episodes have also been released on a channel for the Wii game console and on the game compilation ''Kirby's Dream Collection''. ==Plot== (詳細はTiff and Tuff, along with their servants Fololo and Falala. The ruler of Dream Land, King Dedede, is jealous and suspicious of Kirby from the start. He and his sidekick Escargoon constantly try to get rid of Kirby with monsters provided by the company for a high fee, though Escargoon shows a great deal more reservation and morals. However, these attempts usually fail because of Kirby's natural abilities. Just as in the games, Kirby can inhale enemies and temporarily gain their powers, transforming into forms such as Fire Kirby with the ability to spit flames, or Sword Kirby to literally slice foes into pieces. Kirby grows and becomes stronger before his final battle with Nightmare. In the end when Kirby and Tiff face Nightmare, which is in a dream, Tiff throws the Warp Star at Kirby, who swallows it and becomes Star Rod Kirby. Star Rod Kirby has the Star Rod which is Nightmare's sole weakness, allowing Kirby to defeat him. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Kirby: Right Back at Ya!」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク